Brasserie Goudale (Arques, France) distributes its beer brands with TSA Transports in Calais. Over the past years, both brewer and transporter agreed that they would change their side-curtains to the high-quality standard that our SolidskinTec printing process provides, improving their marketing appearance and durability on the road.
The quality of the SolidskinTec printing process and the varnishing effect of the polyurethane varnish deliver deep and rich images that fit the brand. For the marketing team, the importance of these ‘driving billboards’ is high, and the proven fact that the curtains stay beautiful after years on the road under harsh conditions is key in choosing for side curtains printed with SolidskinTec.
For the TSA Transports management, a long-lasting appearance is essential. The extended lifetime and the substantial reduction of the cleaning frequency through its unique coating were also of significant importance when the choice for SolidskinTec side curtains was made.
The trailers with curtain sets were delivered by Bretagnes Industrie (BHD Group), who advised them in selecting the SolidskinTec quality. Over 200 sets of Brasserie Goudale side curtains are already driving through Europe. In the future, all trailers still equipped with other curtains will be replaced by SolidskinTec side curtains.
Old curtains (without SolidskinTec)

SolidskinTec printed side curtains