Festivals, food-fests, glampings and campings, we can’t get enough of it. And they all share the same roof… tents. Tents are hot! Be it a gigantic tent for a festival audience or a private textile roof for two. Printable delivers on-demand printed tent fabrics.
Printed event tents are changing to be a creative experience both inside and outside. The design of tents contributes more and more to the creative understanding of what they are used for, both inside and out. Why? Because digital printing offers the opportunity to create stunning one-off tents with custom designs.
Printable Technical Textiles has a proven track record in printing on demand and coating tent materials at affordable prices producing the best-printed technical textiles on demand. We delivered fabrics for enormous double-sided printed projects like the main entrance of Tomorrowland, various printed fabrics for a wide range of alu-tent systems, printed tent canvas for glamping tents, and printed tent materials for small (festival)tents.
We use a wide range of tent fabrics that offer a warranty on appearance and that meet all requirements for fire resistance. Above all, we have the experience and the knowledge of protecting fabric and print against harsh weather and wind conditions. Printable Technical Textiles understands that speed and budgets are just as much part of the work as the creative aspect of this market. We are ready to help you realize your ideas for printed event tents.