ELI Play is an in-house supplier and manufacturer of surprising and versatile indoor playgrounds, like trampoline parks and sports courses. The company creates play equipment of the highest quality and reliability, like soft play areas, trampoline parks, and sports courses that offer timeless joy for children and adults.
Printable Technical Textiles contributes to this quality by supplying printed and protected technical textiles for their softplay components. The printed designs are of great importance to the experience of the playground. The unique polyurethane fusion process is an easily overlooked benefit of our printing process. In this process, our SolidskinTec adds dirt-repellent and UV-resistant properties to the technical textile, significantly improving appearance, flexibility, and wear resistance. It not only protects the appearance of the design that is rubbed against by thousands of bodies and shoes every year, but it also keeps it hygienic. Our polyurethane protection refuses the adherence of fluids and bacteria and keeps it at the surface. The dirt is easily cleaned off and does not enter the fabric and underlying structures, nor will it be damaged by the (light) chemicals used in cleaning the fabrics. This not only makes ELI Play playgrounds fun, but it also makes them safer and hygienic!
More information on ELI Play? Visit www.eliplay.com